Getting Richer By Giving More

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.

-Jim Elliot

Jesus implies things that defy conventional wisdom.  Things like not storing up treasures on earth.  Things like not worrying about provision and finding life through death.  To discover if these things are true we simply have to do them.  It’s like testing whether a bridge will support our weight by walking out on it.  We either trust Jesus or we don’t.

One area of life where we can test the waters a bit is through generosity.  We don’t have to give everything away to see if what the Bible says about giving is true.  By simply giving a little more we can judge for ourselves if there is gain.  We can decide if being more generous makes us more joyful.  The Bible is filled with examples of God replacing our material possessions with even more valuable forms of wealth - relational and spiritual wealth - while still meeting all our needs abundantly.  The question I have for you is this: Will your life also be an example of this

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