Investing in God's Kingdom

There is a saying in the 12 step programs that “we can only keep what we have by giving it away.”  It’s paradoxical, but the greatest blessings of possessions are most often found in sharing them.  With the retirement of our building debt, we are able to reallocate nearly $50,000 of our budget to invest in God’s kingdom.  One of the criteria for this investment is that it provides a meaningful way for everyone to participate in what we do.  This criteria also applies to the way we decide how to invest.  We want everyone’s prayers and input in this process.

Starting on Sunday, we will take about 20-30 minutes after church to hear your thoughts and ideas.  Tables will be set up in the gym with refreshments and a discussion leader at each table.  This Sunday, August 8, we’re inviting people with last names starting with A-L.  Last names M-Z will be invited on August 15.  If you can’t make it on your assigned week, just come when you can.  We hope to see many of you there and hear your ideas!

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