Church Famous

Andy Warhol is credited with saying, “In the future, everyone will be world famous for 15 minutes.”  Perhaps he envisioned a day when a video or social media post could go viral.  People around the world would see your meme or a tweet, giving you roughly 15 minutes of notoriety before you slip back into anonymity.  That doesn’t sound like much to aspire to.  Living your life for just 15 minutes of fame?  Fortunately, there’s an alternative.

I’d like to (possibly) coin the term “church famous.”  As opposed to being world famous, church famous happens on a much smaller scale.  It’s having notoriety in your church family.  Church famous is the state of being known and loved by the people you worship and serve with.  It’s mattering deeply to the people in your LifeGroup.  When you get sick, undergo surgery, or have a baby, people will pray for you, bring meals, and send you cards.  All because you are church famous.  It may not be as glamorous as being world famous.  But in the end it is a much better deal.  And it lasts a lot longer than 15 minutes.
