Spiritual Discipline - Humility

As we practice a different spiritual discipline each month in 2021, we have come to the most paradoxical of them all: humility.  In our world, the goal is to prevail, succeed, and be on top.  The way to do that is through ambitious hard work, being better than others, and calling attention to your skills and achievements.  The discipline of humility is quite different.  Rather than a different way to play the game, humility doesn’t play that game at all.  Instead of promoting ourselves, we humble ourselves before the Lord and let him lift us up.  We embrace the example of Jesus who “humbled himself and became obedient to death.”  God then exalted him to the highest place.  

This week we are asking you to practice humility by doing something cheerfully that you don’t feel like doing.  A friend or neighbor might ask you to go for a walk.  On the playground, a classmate might want to play a game that you don’t.  Your kids or a parent might invite you to do something you’re not excited about.  Practice the discipline of humility by doing it with a cheerful attitude.  There’s a really good chance you’ll not only live to tell about it, but will find a slice of freedom from yourself and become more like Jesus.
