FCC Family Values

When I am asked to officiate a wedding for a young couple, I set up several meetings prior to the ceremony.  These conversations are to help us get to know each other, but also to talk through some of the issues they will encounter in their marriage.  One of the areas I am very intentional about exploring is the values of their family of origin.  I have found that more than anything else a person’s reactions and expectations are formed by the values they received from their family.  A person doesn’t just marry their spouse.  A person marries the culture and values of their family as well.

We are a church family.  And we have values too.  These are values that we marinate in.  We pass these on to the sons and daughters of the church.  They are the reason why you feel a little out of place when you visit another church.  Their values are different.  It can feel a little odd.  As we’ve welcomed Kyle to FCC, we’ve talked with him a lot about our core values.  I think it’s good for all of us to get a refresher on this.  Over the next several weeks, I will use this space to explain and highlight a series of core values at FCC.  These values consciously and unconsciously guide our decisions.  They help us change, or make change a very difficult undertaking.  They give us our unique flavor and identity.  There are seven of them: The Bible, Variety, Prayer, Better Together, Celebration, Empowerment, and Alignment.  We’ll start looking at them next week.

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