Cadet Contribution

This coming Sunday, the tri-cities Cadet club would normally have their annual Cadet Sunday.  Because of Covid, they won’t be together at a church.  We will still be taking an offering for the Cadets.  Cadets is a boys club that has fun, learns God’s word, and builds intergenerational relationships.  Things change over the years, but Cadets left an indelible mark on me.  There were a lot of laughs as we cracked jokes and blew off various forms of steam as boys are wont to do.  But I also saw Christian men sharing their lives with us.  Mr. Van Laar, Mr. Scheffers, Mr. Laning, and my own father were all Cadet counselors.  They invested in me and other squirrelly boys from my church in ways that contributed to our lives and our walk with Jesus.  They have become a part of my story.

It blesses me to know that men are still investing in squirrelly boys in the name of Jesus, contributing to their lives and their stories.  These are ordinary men who keep showing up twice a month to be a living example of what it means to follow Jesus.  Say a prayer for Rod Pell, our lead counselor, as well as the other counselors who are helping.  Pray that they will know their labor is never in vain.  They are leaving an impact and becoming part of a young man’s story.