In Between

There are times in life when we feel in between two things.  Right now is one of those times.  We are in between the year-end holidays and the best and beautiful parts of winter.  We are not yet to spring break and the warmer temperatures.  There are other in-between times in the year, depending on who you are: mid-October, July, and anytime Covid surges.  The point is that these times place us in a difficult situation.  The cheer of the last thing has worn off and the anticipation of the next things has yet to take hold.  It can be disorienting.

For centuries Christians have followed a rhythm that we call the “church year.”  It is made up of two seasons (Advent and Lent) and a number of special days (Christmas, Easter, Pentecost).  Built into the church year are in-between times.  The time after Pentecost, for example, is nearly six months long.  Right now we are in one of those in-between times.  We are between the Epiphany and the start of Lent.  We are neither celebrating nor preparing.  So if you feel a bit in-between right now, it might help to know that centuries of wisdom recognized this and made room for it.  It’s okay to be in-between.  No matter how in-between you feel, these truths still remain: Christ is born and Christ is risen and Christ lives in you through the Holy Spirit.  Hallelujah!