Valentine’s Day and Spiritual Discipline

Today is Valentine’s Day.  This day comes with certain expectations of people who are involved in a romantic relationship.  Flowers, roses, chocolates, jewelry, a night out.  I’ve always felt a bit uneasy about having Hallmark tell us when we should express our love for a significant other.  It bothers me that Hallmark also gives us a script for how we express our love.  At the same time, I recognize that we probably need these nudges.  We need to be reminded to say the things we really feel.  Perhaps we even need to be reminded of how we feel.  Sometimes we need words not our own that we can sign our name to.  

As followers of Jesus, spiritual disciplines can function much like Valentine’s Day.  Sure, we should be talking with God throughout the day.  “Pray on all occasions.”  But we typically need reminders to talk with God.  Sometimes we even need words to pray that, while not our own, help us express how we feel.  A spiritual discipline like prayer or Bible reading or fasting can feel perfunctory.  But setting aside time for God is a reminder that God is always with us.  So when you pick up roses or grab a card from the rack, remember your God who is the definition of love.  Write him into your calendar.  He longs to spend time with you no matter what it takes to get you there.