Giving Up for Lent

It’s a practice in many Christian traditions to give up something for the season of Lent.  In the Roman Catholic Church red meat is the usual sacrifice.  This has led to all kinds of new and delicious ways to eat fish.  Other denominations in the liturgical church tradition also have observed a lenten sacrifice.  Maybe you choose to give things up for Lent too.

Here are a few things I can tell you about this practice.  It won’t bring you good luck.  It won’t make God love you more.  You may or may not grow closer to Jesus if you do it.  The real value in giving up something for Lent is in remembering what God gave up.  He gave up His only Son.  He sent Christ to the world to be the sacrifice for us.  As you experience the inconvenience of giving up something in your life, remember the deep pain of the sacrifice God made for us.  Most of all, think about the incredible love for you that drove God to do it.