The Father's Character

In any conversation it’s crucial to know who we are talking to.  We talk differently to our friends than we do our spouse or our boss or our teacher.  It makes a difference!  When we begin our prayer, Jesus wants us to be crystal clear about who it is that we’re praying to.  We are praying to our Father.  Isn’t that amazing?  Naturally, Jesus could claim God as his Father.  But Jesus is not just telling us about his prayer life.  He is telling us how we should pray.  We get to call God “Our Father.”

But Jesus also reminds us that he is a different kind of Father.  He is in heaven.  Not only is he as close as a father, he fills the universe with his presence.  He is a Father who can do immeasurably more than we could ask or imagine.  Don’t just spend time in prayer this week.  Spend some time this week reflecting on the amazing Father to whom you are praying.