Deacon Update Spring 2022

For the third year in a row, we ended the year with expenses that were less than overall giving, leaving us with a year-end surplus.  In previous years, we've used the majority of this surplus to pay down the mortgage on our building.  With our building paid off, we now have other options for using the funds.  Thanks to your tremendous generosity, this year's surplus was nearly $50,000.  We'd like to share with you the plans for using this money.


For the past two years we've tithed on this surplus, giving 10% of it toward outside causes.  We have already done that with the 2021 surplus.  We split $5,000 evenly between two denominational agencies.  World Renew provides services to developing countries throughout the world and disaster relief as well.  ReFrame Ministries, formerly Back to God Ministries, brings the Gospel to nations around the world through radio broadcasts in multiple languages, internet ministries, and printed devotionals, including Today.  We are delighted to be able to advance God's kingdom through these agencies thanks to your generosity.  The remainder of the funds will be used to make our building more accessible and up-to-date.  We plan to install automatic door openers at the west entrance and change to a card/code entry system to better facilitate stewardly use of our building.  We are also planning restroom renovations to make our facilities more accessible for people with disabilities.


It's an exciting time for our church family.  God is at work among us.  Thank you for your faithful giving and generosity as we partner with God to advance his kingdom in Jesus' name.