The Power of a Mission Trip

There are some things that are hard to experience at home. When you travel somewhere outside your community, you experience a culture you weren’t able to experience at home. Once you spend some time in this new, unfamiliar place, you are able to appreciate the new perspectives it gives you. Mission trips are a super concentrated version of what normal life can offer us.


If you’ve ever had a spoonful of frozen juice concentrate you know what a powerful experience that can be. Once you add water it’s just juice. However, if you want something out of the ordinary there’s nothing quite like juice concentrate. The same is true with mission experiences. If we do one around home, our students might see it as just helping out around home. When they go to a community unlike our own, spend quality time with members of our group, and get busy doing things they don’t normally do and WHAM! they’ve tasted concentrate.

You may have been challenged and stretched in a way that just doesn’t happen at home. Now they’re getting down to what’s real too. Top it off with the fact that our students get to interpret this concentrated experience through the eyes of faith, and nothing can match the power of going away for a mission trip.

I’m ecstatic for what this trip to Charleston July 24-29 will offer our students and our church community. If you feel so led, our students and I would love to invite you to our post-service luncheon on May 15. Come join in fellowship over a meal with our church family, and help our students fundraise for their trip.