The Limits of Love: Reckless

Several years ago, a praise song was released that took the church world by storm.  The song was called “Reckless Love.”  The chorus proclaimed the “overwhelming, never-ending, reckless love of God.”  The verses talked about how there is nothing God wouldn’t do to rescue us and make us his children.  This song was not without controversy though.  Some pastors and bloggers felt that it was inaccurate to describe God’s love as reckless.  This would imply that God had no real plan, but just pursued us thoughtlessly without any regard for consequences.  

I’m confident that God’s plan to rescue us from sin and death was heavily considered and well-thought out.  It was a plan that was created from eternity.  All of the variables were known by God.  Every action was thoughtfully taken.  So no, God’s love wasn’t actually reckless at all.  But seen from our limited human perspective, it would appear reckless indeed.  A heavenly Father giving up his only begotten Son to rescue people who had rebelled against him?  That sure seems reckless to me.  And regardless of wording, one thing should be clear: by whatever description we call it, God’s love is more than what we can even imagine.