The Two Things You Need for Christmas
/There are a number of things that we believe we need for Christmas. These needs show up in our Christmas wish lists and hopefully under the tree. Maybe what you need is family around you or a specific set of circumstances. But Christmas in its simplest and most powerful form only requires two things.
The first thing is Jesus. That should be obvious. Christmas is the celebration of His birthday. He is the original Gift. But Jesus alone doesn’t make it Christmas. A second thing is needed: your attention. Space in your heart. Christmas is a reenactment of sorts. We celebrate the birth of the Christ by re-living the drama of the original event. We become the stable, our hearts the manger. There’s no question that Jesus is present this Christmas. The question is whether we will be present to the miracle. Will we find the quiet space to behold Him as the newborn King? Will we give our attention to Jesus?